Monday, March 28, 2011

Goat's Milk

Often, kids with food allergies are able to use goat's milk as a substitution for cow's milk. This has something to do with the size of the proteins in cow's milk are too big for many children's guts to digest. We do know that Ryan was able to thrive on goat's milk as a baby. Titus, however, is allergic. Tried some goat's milk powder this morning. He drank about 4 oz, started screaming and within 30 minutes was red and broken out. It took a doze of Benedryl and an hour before he was ready to play. Ryan and I will probably drink it to use it up, and now we know.


  1. Awww.... Poor baby. I'm so sorry to hear that he didn't do well on the goat's milk.

  2. Ugg! Poor baby! Stay strong. Augie was like this in the beginning. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep researching and doing what you're doing.


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