Friday, September 11, 2009


Ryan and I went to Gatlinburg, TN this past weekend for a college reunion. We had a great time at our cabin, although we did not really make it into Gatlinburg. Some of the things that amazed me is how much we have in common with our friends as each of us has moved away from college.
-We all made a schedule and signed up to cook a meal, no one was interested in spending the weekend going out to eat.
-The guys nearly all went crazy when they realized there was no internet access because it was the first weekend of college football.
-The girls were all for taking advantage of the Labor Day sales at the outlet mall. ;-)
-Everyone also seemed to be interested in healthy eating and living. We kept trying to put aside our recyclables instead of throwing them away.

This was Ryan and my last real trip as a couple before the baby is born. It is just unreal to both of us the changes that are coming. As excited as we are to meet this new, little person, we are doing our best to cherish our time as a couple.

About Me

Hesitant to post personal information on the web.