Monday, July 27, 2009

It's a small world

Ryan and I went out to eat with our friends Amy and Zach and their little boy this weekend. As we were discussing some of the things that I want for the baby I mentioned a really cute nightlight in the shape of a turtle that projects constellations on the ceiling that I really want but is only registered on amazon ( Turns out that Amy's mother gave her that nightlight and it was too bright for her son, so she is going to let me have it!
I am always amazed at the needs that are met when I just humble myself enough to say what I need. And then God does something crazy like meet a silly want in a totally unexpected way. I love serving a sovereign God who reveals himself in the small things so often.

Friday, July 10, 2009

July Datum

So, Ryan asked me yesterday what the diffence between an sonogram and an ultrasound is. I have used them interchangably and was not sure. It turns out that it is mostly correct to use either, but here is a definition by someone on Yahoo Answers:

"An Ultrasound is a group of sound waves that are sent out at a level beyond what our ears can pick up. It is used in cars, planes, boats, medical instruments, etc. The items that they are place in has an device that picks up the signal when it bounces on an object. This signal can produce a picture (depending on the quality of the echo), alert to a near-by object or get you a speeding ticket. It is widely used is almost every aspect of our lives (whether we know it or not).

A Sonogram is an exam in radiology in which ultrasound is used to create an image of what lies below the surface of the skin. The intensity will determine the depth of penetration that the sound wave will have. Of the ways in creating radiological images, Ultrasound is consider one of the safest."

So now you know... Sonogram is the most correct when referring to looking at pictures of our baby boy while he is still inside my belly.

Monday, July 6, 2009

It's a Boy...

...who eats his toes.
As a reminder the possible boy names are:
Titus Andrew
Ian Joseph
Josiah Lucas
He is running a little bit big for his age, it is nice to know all of the sugar and fat I have been forcing myself to eat are helping him get so big and strong!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


This is my first attempt at a blog. Mostly because I figure that my random thoughts and writings about life are not of interest to people who do not know me. But I realize that, especially with a baby on the way, it is difficult to keep in touch with everyone who loves me enough to want to know what is going on in my life.
I am hoping that rather than just pictures of The Baby! I will also use this forum to encourage me in my reading. I will be using this blog as much to keep track of notes and quotes worth remembering as a bunch of pictures and notes for people to view.
I also reserve the right to change my mind about what types of things to post and ramble a bit with my fingers when there is a thought I would like to share.
Much love,

Ethelwyn Wetherald

My orders are to fight;
This if I bleed, or fail,
Or strongly win, what matters it?
God only doth prevail.
The servant craveth naught
Except to serve with might.
I was not told to win or lose --
My orders are to fight.

About Me

Hesitant to post personal information on the web.